Welcome to DICOM 2019
You are cordially invited to join the 2019 DICOM Education Conference in Bangkok, Thailand. It is the first time for a DICOM conference to be held in an ASEAN member country. The objective of the conference is to pave the way for regional scholars and DICOM practitioners to participate in and learning from a group of experts who work on DICOM standard. This is a great opportunity for interested parties around the regions to join the conference. It is an important event for developing regional experts and joining the DICOM standard committee.
The two-day conference is full of useful topics ranging from, for example, fundamental DICOM, Pathology Whole Slide Imaging, Vendor Neutral Archive, 3D Printing and Artificial Intelligent in medical imaging. You will learn the latest developments of the DICOM standard. You will have a chance to meet and network with the DICOM experts. You will learn first-hand from the experts with combined experience over a couple of centuries.
DICOM is an important international standard for capturing, storing, exchanging and displaying medical images and its related information. Knowing it in depth will help you and your organization maximize DICOM resources to the fullest capabilities. The organizing committee are looking forward to your participation and meeting you at the conference.