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ICT Mahidol together with DEPA organized a training on “Penetration Testing, Batch 3”

During 24 – 25 September 2022 – the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University (ICT Mahidol), together with Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA), organized a training on “Penetration Testing, Batch 3” for 120 government employees, private-sector employees, students, and many other interested participants via Webex Meetings. Lect. Pagaporn Pengsart, Deputy Dean for Engineering and Systems, gave a warm welcome speech to all participants at the beginning of the training. Following that, Ms. Suchana Sinthavathavorn, Director of Quality of Life and Security Development and Promotion Department, DEPA, delivered an opening speech. On this occasion, Dr. Ittipon Rassameeroj, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasaka Visoottiviseth, Dr. Assadarat Khurat and Dr. Songpon Teerakanok, ICT Mahidol instructors, also served as guest speakers.

The hands-on and theorical training, “Penetration Testing, Batch 3”, aimed to provide all participants with proper knowledge, understanding, principles and methods of vulnerability and attack on computer systems, as well as penetration testing; so that they could apply this knowledge to secure themselves and their organization.