On October 30, 2024 the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University (ICT Mahidol), led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vasaka Visoottiviseth, Program Chair of the M.Sc. in Cyber Security and Information Assurance and Advisor to the ICT Mahidol Cybersecurity Club, along with students from both ICT Mahidol and MUEG’s Cybersecurity Clubs, organized a special talk titled “Web Application Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing.” On this occasion, Mr. Warawut Wirojwattananon (ICT Alumnus, Batch #10), Cyber Security Consultant and Penetration Tester, Vantage Point Security, as well as Mr. Kongkiet Kuchart (ICT Alumnus, Batch #18), Associate Security Consultant, Vantage Point Security, served as the speakers. They shared knowledge on Web Application Vulnerability Assessment (VA) and Penetration Testing (Pentest), processes used to analyze and test the security of web applications to identify weaknesses or vulnerabilities that could be exploited. The session was held for students from both faculties’ Cybersecurity Clubs in room IT203, 2nd floor, ICT Mahidol University, Salaya.
Alumni NewsStudents Activities News
ICT Mahidol and MUEG Cybersecurity Clubs organized a special talk titled “Web Application Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing”
October 30, 2024October 31, 2024