ICT Mahidol organized the training program on “Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology to Enhance Research Skills for the Office of Vocational Education Research and Development”

On September 20, 2024, the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University (ICT Mahidol), organized a training program on the “Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology to Enhance Research Skills for the Office of Vocational Education Research and Development.” On this occasion, Mr. Nirut Butsaenlee Director of the Center for Public Relations and Promotion of the Image of Vocational Education gave the opening remarks. Following that, Asst. Prof. Dr. Tipajin Thaipisutikul, Assistant Dean for Academic Services and Technology Transfer from ICT Mahidol, shared knowledge on how to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support research development with the research personnel at Nakhon Pathom Vocational College, Nakhon Pathom Province.

The training program was part of the Customized Training Project, aiming at improving the quality of research personnel and the research outputs of vocational education institutions by offering training on the use of AI tools relevant to modern research practices. This included using AI to identify interesting research problems, analyze research methodologies, find related research papers and articles, and manage reference data. This knowledge will help participants apply the concepts from the training to their own research work more efficiently.

For those interested in learning more or inquiring about other training programs offered by the faculty, please visit https://www.ict.mahidol.ac.th/th/event-list/ or contact the Academic Services and Technology Transfer Division at 02-441-0909.