ICT Mahidol organized the event “Prep for ICT Masters 2024: R2R & Data Innovation”

On May 15, 2024, the ICT Masters team of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at Mahidol University (ICT Mahidol) hosted the event “Prep for ICT Masters 2024: R2R & Data Innovation” for the support staff. On this occasion, Dr. Sujika Srinuntakul, Head of the ICT Masters team, along with Dr. Siripen Pongpaichet, Assistant Dean for Information and Systems, served as speakers to impart knowledge about the ICT Masters 2024: R2R & Data Innovation. They also shared guidelines for creating R2R and Data Innovation projects for submission to the ICT Masters competition this year. The event was conducted online via Webex Meetings.

The objectives of the annual “ICT Masters” are to encourage support staff to develop their routine work into research projects and to share and learn from each other’s work. This also aims to continuously improve, develop, and create more effective work.