ICT Mahidol organized a special talk on “Experiences on Running a Chatbot Business”

On January 15, 2024 – the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Mahidol University (ICT Mahidol), led by Dr. Chaiyong Ragkhitwetsakul, instructor of the course, ITDS101 Industry Problems and Experiences 1, organized a special talk on “Experiences on Running a Chatbot Business” for the 1st year students of B. Sc. in Digital Science and Technology (DST Thai Program). As the CEO and Founder of Robolingo Co., Ltd. (Zwiz.AI), Mr. Chanakarn Chinchatchawal, ICT Alumnus #Batch 7 shared his experience of establishing and running a Chatbot business to all students in Room IT204, the Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University, Salaya.