On January 27, 2024, the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology at Mahidol University (ICT Mahidol) organized the academic seminar series, “MUICT-AST The Series: The Best of 2024” on “Getting to know React” and “Intro to User Experience Design (UX)”. On this occasion, Dr. Wudhichart Sawangphol, Assistant Dean for Research and Program Chair of M.Sc. in Game Technology and Gamification, as well as Dr. Woraluck Wongse-Ek, Instructor of Computer Science Group, served as the speakers for 123 participants via Webex Meetings.
The “MUICT-AST The Series: The Best of 2024” is one of the academic service projects organized by the Faculty of ICT. Its aim is to disseminate knowledge to interested individuals of all genders and ages free of charge. The training is scheduled to be conducted online every Saturday, starting from January 13, 2024, to January 27, 2024. For those interested in participating in the seminar, please visit http://www.ict.mahidol.ac.th or contact the Academic Services and Technology Transfer Department at 02-441-0909.