On 11 April 2022 – Team Inventor Assemble which comprised of Miss Chansida Makaranond, 4th year student of ICT International Program, the Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University, Miss Varissara Vannawongpaisan, student from King Mongjut’s University of Technology Thonburi, and Miss Srapasson Champa, student from King Mongjut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, won the 2nd prize on the academic writing titled “A study of factors affecting the development of the immigration system of a group of countries that are lenient for the COVID-19 epidemic crisis” from “The First Thai HCI Paperthon” which was held during 8 – 10 April 2022, by BKK ACM SIGCHI Chapter.
The First Thai HCI Paperthon is a competition for undergraduate/master/doctoral students and researchers to generate research ideas and write papers in a short period of time. During the competition, participants were required to produce a research idea and write a paper on it. In addition, the participants also got the chance to practice research skills which enabled them to be able to write academic papers, such as understanding research topics, experiment design, analysis, and explanation of results, as well as practice learning to prioritize tasks. Furthermore, HCI academics and researchers served as mentors for all participants during the competition.
The Faculty of ICT would like to congratulate all members of Team Inventor Assemble on their tremendous success.