The Faculty of ICT, Mahidol University invites ICT students to participate in the “Graphic Design & Video Clip Contest,” a competition for creating graphic and video media to promote Thai culture using ICT. The competition offers 20,000 baht worth of prizes.
(1) RAW format (e.g., .psd, .ai, or other software-specific formats)
(2) Exported image files in .jpg or .png format with dimensions of 2080×2080 pixels and a resolution of 200 dpi.
The judging committee will consider the following criteria:
The scoring will be based on the above criteria, with additional considerations:
Total prize value: 20,000 Baht
1. Category: Graphic Images (Total Prize Value: 10,000 Baht)
2. Category: Video Clips (Total Prize Value: 10,000 Baht)